Timeline |
2020 | BMBF-Research Project: "Waste to Value - Microorganisms change the Western Palatinate |
2020 | Winner of the Creative Sonar Vol.5 |
2019 | MWWK RLP: Research College NeurodegX |
2019 | Funding of the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung an innovation laboratory for digitization (INNODIG) |
2018 | EFRE research project PHOTOPROMA |
2018 | MWWK RLP: Research College iprocess |
2017 | BMBF-Research Project: Multifunctional Poly-Aquaponic Cycle" (Aquapolyk3)- Resource- and area-efficient production of food – 2min Video: Aquapolyk3 |
2017 | Additional research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF): Intelligent vernetzte Mikroagrarsysteme der Zukunft ("Intelligently networked micro agrosystems of the future"; Mikroagrar2050) – 2min Video: Microalgae for the future |
2015 | Winner of ideas competition by Gründungsbüro TU & HS Kaiserslautern |
2014 | Laureate at ideas competition „Neue Produkte für die Bioökonomie“ ("New products for a bio-based economy" – a funding programme by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF) |
2013 | Winner of GO-BIO Innovation Academy by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) |
Sept. 2020: Funding within the BMBF program "WIR! Change through Innovation in the Region" of the project "Waste2Value - Microorganisms Change the Western Palatinate".The aim of the alliance Waste to Value is to combine the traditional competencies in areas such as adhesives and sealants, plastics and composites originating from the shoe and textile industry with white biotechnology technologies based on the use of microorganisms. The latter have been established in recent years at various research institutions in the region. A concept development for the bio-economic transformation of the structurally weak region by the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, the Prüf- und Forschungsinstitut e.V. and the ZukunftsRegion Westpfalz e.V.
Mai 2020: May 2020 Next Generation Biofilm founding team wins creative sonar Vol.5 with project "Turning the grey into green" (Michael Lakatos, Patrick Jung, Daniel Zabicki). Freestanding building facades are used with various bioreactors for the cultivation of algae. In this way, new agricultural areas can be developed in the city. Awarded for innovative „land management“.
Sept. 2019: Funding within the framework of the Ministry of Science MWWK RLP of the state research college NeurodegX "Isolation and characterization of neuroprotective agents from fungi and cyanobacteria as potential agents for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases - (NeurodegX)". A consortium of biotechnologically, cell-biologically and biomedically oriented scientists from three universities (HS Kaiserslautern, JGU Mainz, TU Kaiserslautern) is working on the identification, isolation, characterization and modification of potentially neuroprotective substances from highly diverse and little-researched fungi and cyanobacteria.
Jan. 2019: "Innovation Lab Digitization - INNODIG". At the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld of Trier University of Applied Sciences, an innovation laboratory for digitization (INNODIG) is being established with the help of funding from the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung. In this new laboratory, the interdisciplinary cooperation of different departments of the university , with regional partners and with schools will be promoted. Interdisciplinary cooperation within the university by professors Henrik te Heesen, Klaus Gollmer, Michael Wahl, Percy Kampeis, Stefan Naumann and Guido Dartmann.
Sept. 2018: Project funding by the ERDF program for 2014-2020 (P1-SZ1-2) and the Ministry of Science, Education and Culture (MWWK) of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate "Protein-based hybrid materials and active ingredients from microalgae by emers photofermentation and biorefining (PHOTOPROMA)". Concentration of competence along the value chain for the production of innovative active ingredients and novel hybrid materials as well as the establishment of application-oriented research and development structures at the Applied University of Sciences of Kaiserslautern for photofermentation and biorefining using a novel technology platform. Inter-university interdisciplinary cooperation of Professors Thomas Stumm, Gregor Grun, Peter Groß and Dr. Michael Lakatos.
2018: Within the framework of the state research college "iProcess - intelligent process development - from modeling to the product", researchers from the Bingen University of Technology (Prof. Dr. K. Muffler), the Trier University of Applied Sciences (Prof. Dr. P. Kampeis) and the University of Kaiserslautern (Prof. Dr. R. Ulber) from all process areas work closely together to develop innovative process strategies based on two model processes. The overall scientific goal of the application-oriented research college iProcess is to develop the process engineering fundamentals for the use of fungi and cyanobacteria as production organisms for pharmaceutically active substances.
Sept. 2017: Funding as part of the programme "Agrarsysteme der Zukunft" ("Agrosystems of the future") by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the project "Intelligent vernetzte Mikroagrarsysteme der Zukunft - Stabilisierung eines agro-urbanen Ökosystems" ("Intelligently networked micro agrosystems of the future – Stabilization of an agro-urban ecosystem"; Mikroagrar2050; Grant ID 031B0435) with stakeholders from the Universities of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, Trier and Augsburg, the Technical Universities of Kaiserslautern, Munich and Dresden and the Fraunhofer Instiute for Building Physics, Stuttgart. The research project involves the design of a four-dimensional urban and intelligent micro-agriculture network for the evidence-based agricultural production through material flow recycling, innovative emerse bioreactor technology and the transformation of sealed surfaces into new agricultural areas.
Sept. 2017: Funding as part of the programme "Agrarsysteme der Zukunft" ("Agrosystems of the future") by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the project "Multifunktionaler Poly-Aquaponik-Kreislauf – Ressourcen- und flächeneffiziente Produktion von Lebensmitteln" ("Multifunctional poly-aquaponics cycle – resource- and space-efficient production of foodstuffs"; Aquaployk3; Grant ID 031B0433) with stakeholders from the University of Koblenz-Landau and the SMEs Institut f. Aquakultur & Kreislaufwirtschaft (DU), Senect GmbH & Co KG (Landau), inogram GmbH (Stuttgart) and Steinbeis Institut Tübingen, with the aim to design a multifunctional poly-aquaponics process by efficient coupling of animal and plant process chains with minimal surface consumption.
SCHERER K.,Stiefelmaier J., Strieth D., Wahl M. & Ulber R. (2020)
Development of a lightweight multi-skin sheet photobioreactor for future cultivation of phototrophic biofilms on facades. Journal of Biotechnology 320:28–35
Inhaling Carbon Dioxide. World Congress Façade Tectonics, Los Angeles (Paper Accepted)
Agro-urbane Architektur In: DETAIL – Zeitschrift für Architektur + Baudetail Vol. 5.2019: S. 14–16 (online: 22.04.2019)
Terrestrische Mikroalgen für die Gasfermentation - Neue Potenziale in der Bioverfahrenstechnik. In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 90 (9), S. 1283
Phototrophe Mikroorganismen an der Fassade. FASSADE 1/2017: 24–26
Fassadenintegrierte Bioreaktorsysteme. FASSADE 2/2017: 24–26
LAKATOS M. & STRIEHT D. (early online; Juni 2017)
Terrestrial Microalgae – Novel Concepts For Biotechnology And Applications; In: CANOVAS FM., LÜTTGE U. & MATYSSEK R. (Hrsg.) Progress in Botany, Springer, Vol 78.
A semi-continuous process based on an ePBR for the production of EPS using Trichocoleus sociatus. Journal of Biotechnology, Volume 256, 20 August 2017, Pages 6–12.